Our Christmas Fair 2022!
We had a great time at our Christmas Fair on Saturday 3rd December. Thank you to everyone who came along and helped us make the event such a success. Thanks also goes to our amazing staff and volunteers for all of the hard work that went into this event.
We had a prize raffle, hot and cold refreshments and drinks tombola. Thank you to all of the local businesses and kind parents and supporters who donated food, alcohol and prizes to us. The children loved the Santa’s Grotto, getting involved with our games stalls, and the entertainment from Captain Fantastic.
We managed to raise over £2,000 for our charity. All proceeds will go towards our fundraising aims for the year: improving our garden area for the children and providing subsidised childcare places for 20+ families. To read more about our charitable aims and mission, and our subsidised childcare places scheme, see here.
Able to offer a helping hand or a prize donation for our next fundraising event?
Our next big event will be the Summer Fair in June 2023. If you have anything you could donate to our drinks tombola, kids toy tombola, or prize raffle, please get in touch with us. Similarly if you’re able to offer us a helping hand during set up or tidy up, or to run one of our stalls, we’d love your support. Contact our Fundraising Manager, Amy, at amy.pearcewatts@stgeorgeschildcare.co.uk for more info.