Badgers and Otters (3–5yrs)

Badgers and Otters (3–5yrs)

Age: 3-5 years
Staffing ratio:
Sessions: 7.30am-1.00pm and 1.00pm-6.30pm

As our children enter their pre-school years we encourage them to be confident in making their own choices and inventing their own games. The Badgers and Otters’ rooms are arranged specially so that children can choose which activities they want to do.

A day full of fun and learning

Firemen, builders, mummies and daddies, astronauts, shop keepers… our construction and role-play areas let them go wherever their imaginations take them. The maths area includes a computer with age appropriate games, weighing and measuring equipment, matching games and puzzles, so that they develop numeracy and cognitive skills while they play.

Art and craft activities give everyone the chance to produce a masterpiece to take home or display in the playrooms. All artwork is praised so everyone feels valued, as it is the process and not the end product that is important. Curling up in our specially designed ‘snug’ reading areas with a favourite story will let your child discover new worlds or explore their feelings and emotions. These cosy spaces are perfect for snuggling up and sharing a book with a friend, away from the busyness of the main room areas.

We also offer FREE weekly Music and Singing and Yoga sessions with Musical Bumps and Tatty Bumpkin and Forest School classes with Lisa Cobb which the children really enjoy and engage with!

The garden and a huge range of outdoor resources give our children the chance to further develop their physical skills. The ‘Den’ has become a firm favourite for conjuring up amazing fantasy worlds. They also love learning about the growing cycle in our vegetable plots and preparing and cooking the food they’ve grown.

Special time together

During group time, we all sit together, learning to listen to each other while we discuss topics like the seasons, birthdays, holidays or families. Along with play, we spend time with all of our children encouraging writing skills, recognising numbers and colours, and using their interests to plan future activities.