Terms and conditions
St George’s doesn’t charge a fee for registration.
Offer acceptance:
When a place has been offered and the times agreed, we will ask for a deposit of £100. The deposit will not be refunded unless you provide four weeks’ notice in writing. If your child does join us, then your deposit will be deducted from the required notice period of four weeks when they leave.
Fee payment:
Payment should be made as stipulated on the invoice.
Calculation of fees:
St George’s reserves the right to increase fees at any time, giving one calendar month’s written notice to parents and carers. Our financial year runs from September 1st to August 31st. St George’s closes for all Bank Holidays and does not charge any fee for these days. The parent or carer will pay for all booked sessions, even if their child is absent. If we do not receive payments for booked sessions, St George’s reserves the right to terminate this agreement.
After acceptance of the offer by the parent or carer, either party may terminate this agreement by giving 4 weeks’ notice in writing. During this 4-week period, St George’s undertakes to continue to admit the child and the parent or carer undertakes to pay all fees due. In the event of the parent or carer giving notice of immediate withdrawal, 4 weeks’ fee in lieu of notice shall be due to St George’s.
There will be no variation on these terms and conditions unless it is in writing and made between an authorised representative of St George’s and the parent/guardian.
St George’s will not be held responsible for children’s possessions, although all reasonable care will be taken to avoid loss or damage.
As we are required to give precise information to Ofsted, parents and carers are asked to contact St George’s as soon as possible to advise of any absence.
Late collection:
Any child still in our care after the standard session ends will be booked as a ‘late collection’ and will incur an extra charge of £20 for every 15 minutes a parent or carer is late in collecting their child. We have a specific cut-off time and if children are still on site after that time, staff schedules are disrupted and our insurance can be invalidated.
On acceptance of a place, you have agreed that the above terms and conditions are considered to be fair and reasonable and that you have understood and agree to be bound by them.